Our ever dependable amazing team!!

What a week it has been.  The extreme weather conditions have really caused mayhem throughout the country this week.  Many poor people stuck on motorways and trains for hours on end.  Kind, thoughtful members of the public, supplying stranded people with hot beverages and food.  It has been touching to hear the stories on the news, on how kind our nation still can be.

Here in Aldeburgh the theme has pretty much continued.  Our wonderful team here, led by our Rector, Revd Mark Lowther have carried on, serving our community as usual.  No “I can’t get in due to the weather”, for them.   A huge thank you to all of our clergy, our church wardens, parish clerk, and our lay elders, for keeping the services flowing.   Your efforts are much appreciated.

Ken Smith, and Derek Cook (our deputy church wardens)  spent hours clearing the car park of snow, ready for the attendees of a funeral held at Aldeburgh Parish Church.  Jane, our organist,  has been digging her way out of her Road, and moving her car a bit closer day by day, since Thursday so she can get to us for our 10.30am service this week.  Our Revd Nichola Winter (who was snowed in)  made part the way, on foot to take a funeral service.   See photo.


Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Centenary Celebrations

On the 8th October 2017, we held a very special Service remembering Elizabeth Garrett Anderson.

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was brought up in Aldeburgh from the age of 5.  After her remarkable life as the first British woman to qualify as a doctor and a physician she retired here too, spending the last 15 years of her life living close to the church which she attended regularly.  She also, of course, became the pioneering mayor of Aldeburgh – the first female mayor in the country.

The Trinity Chapel of our Parish Church already contains memorials to several of the Garrett family including Elizabeth’s father Newson, his wife Louisa and their son Edmund.  Many people have been surprised that there is no permanent memorial to Elizabeth and we are very pleased that the omission was rectified during this service.  Intriguingly, the East window of the Trinity Chapel features images of only female saints.  There seems no more appropriate location for a lasting memorial to a very remarkable lady – a true ‘woman of purpose’.

The unveiling of the plaque by Marian Barnes, our guest preacher.